Class – 나
ㅡ People make media and then media make people → Winston Churchill about architecture.
URI (Universal Resource Identifiers)
☺ What is the stated motivation of the research?
“The WWW was developed to be a pool of human knowledge, which would allow collaborators in remote sites to share their ideas and all aspects of a common project.”
☻ Question. What is the www?
(Answer) 1. A collaboratively authored hypertext.
(Answer) 2. It is a standard
☻ Organizations and Standards
the practical politics of classifying and standardizing :
1. arriving at categories and standards,
2. deciding what will be visible/invisible within the system
ISO : International Standards Organization
ISO is a network of national standards institutes from 145 countries working in partnership with international organizations, governments, industry, business and consumer representatives. It acts as a bridge between public and private sector. It has created over 12,000 standards.
IETF : Internet Engineering Task Force
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. It is open to any interested individual.
RFC : Request For Comments
W3C : World Wide Web Consortium.
Develops Web standard & Guidelines
☺ Cf. 백남준 (Back Nam Jun) (1932~2006)
Exposition of Music
TV (1963)
Introduction to information technology (3/28)
Class – 나
URI : Universal Resource Identifier)
URN (persistent location : declare)
Protocol : http, ftp, mailto
Scheme : path (server / directory / file after : )
Urn : in a specific name, a specific resource
Html : HyperText Markup Language
html is derived from sgml (standard generalize markup language)
Http : HyperText Transfer Protocol
http is an internet protocol designed for transferring information for hypertext documents.
☻ What is a network protocol? a set of rules used when computers send information across the network
Compare – ftp
☻ Question. What is the www?
Answer 3. The www is a vast, heterogeneous network of people and machines.
Lisa jevbratt
Mark napier - shredder
My Opinion J
This week,
We talk about ‘www’ (WWW : World Wide Web). I think it is very interesting topic.
But I don’t concentration, Sorry. (Because I had caught a cold. I’m so sick. i_i)
WWW is very big and fast.
That Space ( : www) (?) is very fantastic.
And We saw API.
That flash file is Information Visualization. That information is Web site Naver‘s ‘인기검색어’.
I’m very surprise at flash. It is so interesting.
I want to make that file.
I think, it (ISO, IETF, RFC, W3C) is difficult word.
So I searched internet. And I attached that information.
April 11th is Mid exam.
So I will read the book – Understanding Media. (Welcome to the present… etc.)