20080507 & 20080509
Introduction to information technology
The Global school of Media – Class B (나)
[ Computer Game ]
prologue, game, pain station
computer games: how do they work?
how do they work “behind the screen”? i.e., how do they work from the perspective of an engineer?
a simple example of pong
how do they work “in front of the screen”? i.e., how do they work for the audience or participant?
Sherry Turkle on computer games and processes of identification
Henry Jenkins on computer games, gender and space
★ what’s in a game engine?
...and a lot more
☆ Game "mods"
Mod (modification: fps, rpgs, real-time strategy games)
by general public or developer
can be entirely new games in themselves
partial conversions (total conversions)
example development environment: epic’s unreal engine: http://udn.epicgames.com/Two/WebHome
@ games research and development
example groups and events:
the game developers’ conference: http://www.gdconf.com/
game studies: academic journal: http://gamestudies.org/
research groups:
academic: e.g., Center for Computer Games Research, IT University of Copenhagen
industry: and, of course, the folks at Microsoft, Electronic Arts, etc.
e.g., the show Bang the Machine: Computer Gaming Art and Artifacts
e.g., alternative games competition, Rhizome.org at the New Museum, New York City, March 2004
※ what makes a good game?
- play? or, story?
- realism? or, is it something else?
○ history of computer games
see http://www.videotopia.com/games.htm
see SpaceWar! on the CD for the NMR
see The Applet Arcade: http://www.theappletarcade.com/
do games get better and better every year?
how? is it
play? or,
story? or,
realism? or, is it
something else?
or maybe they don’t get better every year? maybe they get worse?
● two issues to consider from film theory
1. identification: Sherry Turkle on identification
2. space: Henry Jenkins on space and gender
▷ video games discussed by turkle
space war
pac man
working versions: web.utanet.at/nkehrer/jae.html
history of video games: high score: the illustrated history of electronic games by Rusel Demaria & Johnny Wilson (mcgraw-hill, 2002)
#space: what’s a boy’s space?
#space: what’s a girl’s space?
#Games and Gender.
what’s a girl’s game? The Sims?
what’s a boy’s game? Counter-Strike?
what about Asteroids? Space Invaders? Joust? Tetris?
remember the thirteen-year-old girl in a small family café in New York City’s Little Italy who is playing Asteroids at the beginning of Turkle’s article.
My Opinion :)
This week, We talk about 'Computer-Game'.
First, I'm thinking about the topic -
we played, thought, saw - "GAME".
But I felt this topic's 'game' isn't the game that we thought.
First class of this week (5/7), We saw Pain station.
At first, When I saw that, I think it is very interest thing.
Because It seems very "INTEREST".
And we talked about ‘space’.
I think very interesting topic.
We saw relationship between topic and gender about game.
Actually, We didn’t feel this difference. But we agree this topic.
I don’t like game but I think ‘game’ is very interesting and surprising program.
This month, I make the game. Because It is assignment of ‘Programming and lab 1’ (Prof. Waran).
It is very strict work. But I think it is very happy work.
Because It is wonderful work. I saw that the program was finish.
Actually, The game we made is very short game. But I’m happy.
Next week, We talk about ‘medium as prosthesis’.
Medium? Prosthesis?
I don’t understand next week’s topic.
See you later~!
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