2008년 4월 27일 일요일

6th Summary

Introduction to information technology

April 23th & 25th.
- global school of MEDIA , Class B.

People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people.

related ideas
- Clifford and Nash, “the media equation”
- Freud, transference
: see also Sherry Turkle on computers as “second selves” and as “evocative objects”
- surrealists, “automatic writing” (recall Tristan Tzara’s “recipe”)
- Mannheim/Schutz/Garfinkel, the “documentary method”

related points: ethics

related points: aesthetics & teleology

related points: aesthetics & teleology

related points: design

history of HCI (from a tool-building perspective)

history of HCI as tools: people

history of HCI as tools: systems

history of HCI as tools: funding

where does HCI meet AI?
basic design question: should the computer act like a person?
agents versus “direct manipulation”
e.g., Ben Schneiderman versus Pattie Maes (sigchi, 1997)
even “direct-manipulation” interfaces are based on a “conversation” metaphor: the computer responds immediately to each action or command from the “user”
but, there are (at least) two models of conversation
information/intention transmission
inspirations for ai: e.g., Paul Grice, pragmatics
co-construction of meaning
ethnomethodology: e.g., Harvey Sacks, conversation analysis
Boring? ok.. let’s watch some movie related to HCI generally.
hci lesson from “Sleeper”
1) Reliability
2) Personalization
3) if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it
4) intuitive UI design

Cf) Johnstone’s “algorithm”

ethnomethodology: a definition

- Ethnomethodology differs from other sociological perspectives in one very important respect:
Ethnomethodologists assume that social order is illusory. They believe that social life merely appears to be orderly; in reality it is potentially chaotic. For them social order is constructed in the minds of social actors as society confronts the individual as a series of sense impressions and experiences which she or he must somehow organise into a coherent pattern.
Simon Poore, http://www.hewett.norfolk.sch.uk/curric/soc/ethno/intro.htm

ref) Lucy Suchman

My Opinion J

: This Week, We talk about HCI.
HCI is human-computer interaction.
Through Interaction between human and computer,
We got many thing. For example, We got information.

First, I think HCI is one thing about chemistry.
In Chemistry, HCI is ‘염산’.
I learned about ‘염산’ in high school, so I think HCI is ‘염산’.
But I know, HCI is ‘Human-Computer Interaction’ now.

Actually, I have many think about HCI,
But I don’t concentrate class very well. Because we have ‘mid-exam’.

Next week, We talk about ‘Computer-aid’.
I don’t know anything about ‘aid’.

So I have many expectation. See you next class~

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